The Prestige
Pinnacle ONE Yonge
A legendary address and proposed to be the tallest building in the country.

Transit Score :
Walk Score:
Total # suites:
Price per sqft:
Occupancy Date :
May 2022
Maintenance Fees:
$0.67 per Sqft
Amenities nearby :
- Union station
- Harbour Square & Sugar Beach park
- Scotiabank arena
- Sony centre
- Rogers centre
- U of T, George Brown College and Ryerson University
Condo Amenities:
- Fitness Centre
- Spin studio
- Indoor/outdoor kids play area
- Boardroom
- Party room
- Private dining
- Games Room
- Dog run and dog wash stations
- Outdoor walking track with exercise station
Added Perks:
- Community Centre: completely operated by the city of Toronto, however conveniently located at Pinnacle One Yonge a 50,000 soft state-of-the-art community centre offering
- A full sized Baskeball Court
- A 6 lane, 25 metre indoor swimming pool
- Numerous activity rooms.