Take a Tour Around the Waterfront
Right under the core of the city, squeezed in between the Gardiner/Lakeshore Blvd corridor and the lake and running from Strachan Ave in the west to Sherbourne Ave in the east, The Waterfront is the heart of what makes Toronto a Great Lakes city. Toronto

MONTHLY DATA DIVE – Oct 09, 2018
Toronto, Oct. 04, 2018 By Andrew Ipekian As 2018 progresses, we at Ipekian (and our clients) toss TREB’s monthly numbers to see what augury can be teased from the data bones. And September’s numbers surprised us (OK, and probably anyone who deals in real estate

Market Update September 2018 – The Beach/East End Danforth by Shane Little
While E02 (The Beach/East End Danforth) has experienced an increase in sale price in all home types, condos and semi-detached homes have had the largest year-over-year gains (12.46% and 10.39% respectively). This growth is due to both a lack of inventory of each home type

Take a Tour Around Trinity Bellwoods
Situated at the western end of the downtown (just above the CNE Exhibition Grounds) and squeezed in between Little Italy and Liberty Village, Trinity-Bellwoods is a busy, vibrant neighbourhood that has at its heart the 32-acre namesake park that acts as the social and recreational

Toronto Life’s: The Ultimate Neighbourhood Guide
If you haven’t seen it already, someone will likely send you in the next little while the latest citizenry-rousing article from Toronto Life. Especially if you are actively looking in Toronto’s real estate market. In it, Toronto Life debuts a tool that it claims will help people identify

Take a Tour Around The Beach
This neighbourhood is truly special. Situated just east of the CBD, and bordered by Coxwell in the west, Victoria Park in the east, Kingston Rd in the north and the lake to the south, its proximity to the business core makes it a popular neighbourhood