MONTHLY DATA DIVE – Dec. 06, 2018
Toronto, Dec. 06, 2018 By Andrew Ipekian As 2018 closes out, here at Ipekian we dive into TREB’s monthly data to see what buyers and sellers might glean and give you our take on trends in GTA real estate. This month we have a classic case

Take a Tour Around Parkdale
Tucked more or less into a little corner of Toronto between Humber Bay, Roncesvalles, the CPR tracks and Dufferin St. S., Parkdale is something of the ‘Everything and the Kitchen Sink Too’ neighbourhood of Toronto. It’s got a variety of everything - people, housing, services,

Take a Tour Around The Annex
Sandwiched in between the globally upscale Yorkville to the east, Bloor St. and the University on the south, Dupont St. in the north and Bathurst St. to the west, the Annex is largely a dignified, downtown, upscale enclave with a good bit of a European

Take a Tour Around Yorkville
In the core of Toronto, squeezed into the area bounded by Yonge, Bloor, Bedford and Davenport, Yorkville is truly the high end commercial and cultural heart of the city. Far from its roots as the bohemian nest of bars and coffee houses that spawned the

MONTHLY DATA DIVE – Nov 06, 2018
Toronto, Nov. 05, 2018 By Andrew Ipekian As 2018 finishes out, we at Ipekian dive into TREB’s monthly numbers to see what buyers and sellers might learn from the data, and give you our take on trends in GTA real estate. October’s numbers show overall

Take a Tour Around High Park and Roncesvalles
Surrounding the 400 acre jewel of a park on Toronto’s west side are Bloor West Village (BWV) to the west and north between Bloor and Dundas, and Roncesvalles (also affectionately called ‘Roncy’) to the east between the park and roughly Landsdowne/the CPR tracks. Roncesvalle Ave and